There are three ways to transfer to Georgia Tech from another school: the Regents' Engineering Pathways Program (REPP), the Dual Degree Engineering Program (DDEP), and as a regular transfer student.
Transfer admission is handled through Georgia Tech's Undergraduate Admission Office, where you can find details about the transfer admission process and learn everything you need to know about Georgia Tech.
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Regents' Engineering Pathway Program (REPP)
Upon successful completion of the REPP requirements, students are admitted to Georgia Tech to work toward completion of a Bachelor of Science in Engineering degree.

Dual Degree Engineering Program (DDEP)
The DDEP allows students to attend a participating dual degree school and the Georgia Tech College of Engineering to receive two bachelor degrees.
Georgia Tech Admissions Transfer Program
Regular Transfer pertains to any student outside Dual Degree and REPP who is interested in transferring to Georgia Tech. You can find more information by visiting the Undergraduate Admissions Transfer website.