Georgia Tech offers a dual-degree option allowing students to combine an M.S. or Ph.D. degree with other degree programs within the College of Engineering. This interdisciplinary degree track will provide graduates with deep knowledge of technology, an analytical skillset, business acumen, and an entrepreneurial mindset to propel them to the forefront of their chosen fields.
Dual Degree Program with Scheller College of Business
The dual degree option allows students to count 15 credit hours from their M.S. or Ph.D. courses toward their MBA elective requirements, reducing the time required to complete both degrees. Thus, students can complete an MBA with 39 credit hours instead of 54 credit hours.
Students who have been admitted to an M.S. or Ph.D. program in the Georgia Tech College of Engineering or College of Computing (excluding online degree programs) are eligible to pursue the dual degree option. This includes students in interdisciplinary programs where the two colleges participate, such as the M.S. programs in Analytics and Quantitative and Computational Finance.
Georgia Tech students currently pursing graduate degrees in the Colleges of Engineering and Computing who would like to learn more about the dual degree are invited to attend an information session. Please visit the MBA dual degree website for details about program structure, the application and admissions process, and tuition and financing.

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