School of Electrical and Computer Engineering

Electrical and computer engineering are at the core of just about every technology. Harnessing the power of electricity to advance the modern world, electrical engineering involves the design of devices and systems, from nanoscale computer chips to multinational communications systems. Spanning the fields of electrical engineering and computer science, computer engineering combines the advanced intelligence of computer systems with the fundamental aspects of electrical engineering to deliver intricate and expansive solutions.

Georgia Tech ECE is one of the largest and consistently top-ranked programs of its kind in the United States and our graduates are in high demand in a variety of industries.

The final chip created by the student groups in ECE 4804 embedded in a printed circuit board.

Our A.I. Future

$65M in new research for A.I. and semiconductors and industry collaborations with Apple and others bring the future to our classrooms.

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ECE Professor Manos Tentzeris and three students hold up 5G transmitters in the lab

Professor Manos Tentzeris (second from left) and students from his lab display flexible, scalable 5G transmitter tiles.

Azadeh Ansari looks at an enlarged image of a microbot on screen

Assistant Professor Azadeh Ansari studies microbristle robots in the lab.

Fatih Sarioglu and grad student in the lab

Associate Professor Fatih Sarioglu (left) and Mert Boya investigate the use of microfluidic chips to track cancer cells.