Policies and procedures as set forth by the University System of Georgia Board of Regents, including information on Faculty Governance, policies regarding promotion and tenure, and general Institute policies.
Faculty Handbook
Policies and procedures as set forth by the University System of Georgia Board of Regents, including information on Faculty Governance, policies regarding promotion and tenure, and general Institute policies.
Faculty Affairs
Faculty Affairs (FA) is responsible for processing all academic faculty personnel transactions including appointments, reappointments, promotions, tenure, post tenure reviews, leaves of absence, and salary adjustments. The office also provides support for faculty in work/life areas such as the Active Service Modified Duties program and extension of the tenure clock. FA maintains faculty information and records, and compiles annual and adhoc reports on faculty data. FA maintains a variety of faculty lists including endowed chairs and professors, Regents' professorships, new faculty hires, national academy members and other major award recipients.
Hiring, Search and Promotion/Tenure Committee Resources
Below are diversity, equity, and inclusion resources for faculty members serving on hiring, search and promotion/tenure committees.
Professor of the Practice
The title “Professor of the Practice,” which is well established among many of Georgia Tech’s peer institutions, is intended to provide eminently qualified academic, business, or government leaders with a title that is customarily extended to faculty members who hold tenure. This designation represents an effective and meaningful way for Georgia Tech to involve accomplished professionals who seek positions within a leading research university. Further information concerning Professor of the Practice can be found in the Georgia Tech Faculty Handbook.
The Center for Teaching and Learning (CTL)
The Center for Teaching and Learning promotes and supports an on-campus and online instructional community where excellence in teaching and learning is valued and where educators engage in evidence-based state-of-the-art practices that foster opportunities in which diverse students and instructors can thrive.
Faculty Governance
This site contains the meeting schedules, membership lists and meeting minutes for all Standing Faculty governance bodies, the Academic Senate, the Executive Board, and General Faculty Assembly..
Memo from Office of the Provost on Absence from Campus, Conflicts of Interest, Consulting, Dual Employment, and Export Control
A memo (March 28, 2016) from reminding faculty about policies regarding absence from campus, conflicts of interest and outside professional activity, consulting, dual employment, and export control.
Memo from Office of the Provost on External Teaching Activities
A memo (September 3, 2019) from Provost Bras that outlines the required procedures and approvals for faculty members and other employees engaged in instructional activities outside of Georgia Tech.
Professional Absence and Leave Policies
See Faculty Handbook
Occasional absences from campus are necessitated by the professional activities of most faculty members, Institutional rules and guidelines governing categories of leave and leave of absence policies at Georgia Tech can be found in the faculty handbook.
Time Away from Campus, including International Activities
Guidelines for submitting documentation supporting requests for FMLA, absences from campus, leaves of absence and ASMD, including how to address international activities, are detailed in this memo from Faculty Affairs (October 23).
Policy on Extension of the Probationary Period for Tenure
Extensions of the probationary period for tenure may be granted to a faculty member for the purpose of balancing personal and family obligations with professional and scholarly achievement.
Family Medical Leave Act (FMLA)
The FMLA act provides up to 12 weeks of unpaid, job-protected leave to eligible employees for certain medical and family reasons (birth of a child, care of employee’s child, spouse, or parent, serious health condition of the employee).
Information on family-friendly programs at Georgia Tech
- Time Away (FMLA, Leave of Absence, Active Service: Modified Duties and more)
- Promotion and Tenure Resources (including extending the tenure probationary period)
- Child care facilities
- Tech Wreck Summer Day Camps
Georgia Tech Employee Benefits
The information at this site explains the many benefits associated with employment at Georgia Tech, including medical, dental, and supplemental insurance, flexible spending accounts, child care center, mortgage discounts, FMLA, benefits forms and FAQ’s.
Vacation and Sick Leave Policies
This site includes information and regulations of the GT vacation and sick leave policies, including court duty, military leave, medical leave (FMLA), and includes links to OHR forms.
Maternity Leave
Maternity leave is treated like any other medical condition. Employees may use their accrued sick leave while on maternity leave to receive their full salary. This link provides further, more specific information, as well as an internal link with maternity leave (and paternity) tips for GT employees. Also, please see Active-Service Modified Duties.
Criteria for the Evaluation of Faculty Members as Teachers and Educators
See Faculty Handbook. This site defines criteria for effective teaching and the concept of faculty as educators, including course and curriculum development, teaching skills and methods, and publications and educational activities.
Criteria for the Evaluation of Service Activities
See Faculty Handbook. While faculty members usually contribute to the Institute primarily through teaching and creative activities, they may also contribute significantly to Georgia Tech through appropriate types of service to the Institute, the public, and to professional organizations.
CoE Faculty Development Grants
Faculty Development Grants (FDG) are intended to benefit both the Georgia Tech community and the careers of CoE faculty members by fostering and supporting significant new opportunities for professional growth and development.
Learn more about the CoE Faulty Development Grants
CoE Faculty Awards
Nominations for the COE faculty awards open in the spring semester via InfoReady. Winners in each category will receive $2,000. Nominees must have majority appointments within the College.
Outstanding Faculty Achievement in Research Award
One faculty member in each category will be recognized for the impact of their research.
Outstanding Faculty Achievement in Research (Early Career)
Outstanding Faculty Achievement in Research Award (Midcareer)
Outstanding Faculty Achievement in Research Award (Research Faculty)
Outstanding Teaching Award
One person in each category will be honored for their outstanding impact through classroom instruction over at least a cumulative two-semester period.
Outstanding Teacher Award (Early Career)
Outstanding Teacher Award (Midcareer/Senior)
Other Awards
One winner will be selected for each of the following three awards, which are open to academic and research faculty.
Outstanding Service Award
A group or individual will be honored for their impact on the College, including impacts on groups (faculty, staff, or students) and/or culture and community.
Outstanding Achievement in Commercialization and Entrepreneurship Award
An individual will be honored for their achievements through commercialization and entrepreneurship related to Georgia Tech research, as demonstrated through fundraising at a company, licensing, acquisition, and other entrepreneurial activities.
Outstanding Achievement as an Inventor Award
The award will honor an inventor and is based on their record in patenting and licensing inventions at Georgia Tech.
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