Some students have been dreaming about attending Georgia Tech since they were young, and others have just heard about what the Institute might have to offer them. Students of all ages can experience a little slice of Georgia Tech no matter what age they are — there are a variety of different programs that occur throughout the year and are designed to help future engineers experience what it’s like to be a Ramblin’ Wreck.

Summer Programs

Summer Engineering Institute

The College of Engineering's K-20 Office hosts a one-week residential program for 11th-12th graders interested in science, engineering, technology, and math. All students are welcome to apply.  

Participants stay overnight on campus during the program. They enjoy hands-on experiments and interactive workshops, while also touring Georgia Tech labs. The camp is limited, and students are selected based on application, essay, and school transcripts.


Project ENGAGES is a high school education program in partnership with seven public high schools in the City of Atlanta. Each selected student participates in a 12-month research experience, working full-time in the summer and 15 hours per week during the school year.

NSLC Sessions

The National Student Leadership Conference (NSLC) invites outstanding high school students to explore labs, investigate technologies, and take on an engineering challenge. The College collaborates with the NSLC to host two summer sessions.

Remote Classes

Online Math Classes

Georgia Tech offers advanced mathematics courses to Georgia high school students. 

Classes are held on campus, taught to Georgia Tech students, and delivered via live video or internet feed to high school students in 51 classrooms across the state. 


Georgia Tech’s Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) are also free and available for anyone to take. A wide variety of course are offered, and there are options to earn a certificate in a subject as well.

A student operating a robotic arm

TEC campers visit campus lab spaces, including the Laboratory for Intelligent Decision and Autonomous Robots.

A group of students

SEI teams present their research at the end of the three-week session.