Tech Tower


The Expo is part of GT-ASEE’s mission to foster a community of engineering education researchers and practitioners at Georgia Tech. If you are interested in STEM education, please join us! Last fall, the group hosted a workshop entitled Teaching, Scholarship, and Research:  Building an Engineering Education Community at Georgia Tech.  The workshop brought together over 70 students, faculty, and administrators, to learn about and discuss educational research, as well as implementation of research-based practices in the classroom.  Through the workshop and upcoming Expo, GT-ASEE hopes to rally faculty and graduate students to attend the upcoming national ASEE conference to be held in Atlanta in June.         

GT-ASEE was formed in Fall 2011 by a small group of graduate students.  Since then, the group has grown to include over 50 students who represent a variety of engineering and non-engineering programs on campus.  The organization also works closely with the College of Engineering to create networking opportunities for faculty and graduate students interested in engineering education.  Please visit GT-ASEE’s website for more information.

