Sustained Research: (with a plaque, certificate, and $3000)
- Paul A. Kohl, Regents Professor (Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering)
Best Faculty Paper: (with a plaque, certificate, and $1500.00 each)
- David Hu, Assistant Professor (Mechanical Engineering)
- Kim M. Cobb, Associate Professor (Earth & Atmospheric Sciences)
Young Faculty Award: (with a plaque, certificate, and $1500.00 each)
- Michael A. Filler, Assistant Professor (Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering)
- Stefan A. France, Assistant Professor(Chemistry & Biochemistry)
Best PhD. Thesis: (with a plaque, certificate, and $1000.00 each)
- Suk Choi , Electrical & Computer Engineering - (Advisor: Russell D. Dupuis)
- Karthekeyan Chandrasekaran, Computer Science- (Advisor: Santosh S. Vempala)
- Yaroslav O. Dudin, Physics - (Advisor: Alex Kuzmich)
- Douglas B. Rasher, Biology- (Advisor: Mark E. Hay)
- Chengwei (Alex) Luo, Biology - (Advisor: Kostas Konstantinidis)
- Maysamreza Chamanzar, ECE – (Advisor: Ali Adibi)
- Gregory T. Ostrowicki, ME – (Advisor: Suresh K. Sitaraman)
- Ryder C. Winck, ME – (Advisor: Wayne J. Book)
Best Master’s Thesis: (with a plaque, certificate, and $500.00 each)
- Shweta Natarajan, Mechanical Engineering – (Advisor: Samuel Graham)
- Sihong Zhao, Mechanical Engineering – (Advisor: Alper Erturk )
The Georgia Tech Sigma Xi Club was founded in 1946 and installed as a chapter of the national Society of the Sigma Xi in 1953. The Georgia Tech Chapter of Sigma Xi currently has over 250 active members.