Wang is a professor in the School of Materials Science and Engineering at Georgia Tech. He was awarded with the American Physical Society (APS) 2014 James C. McGroddy Prize for New Materials, sponsored by IBM. This award recognizes achievement in the science and application of new materials.
He is also invited to go to the presentation of the award at the APS March 2014 meeting and Presidential reception, which will take place in Denver.
Wang is considered a world leader in the nanoscience and nanotechnology field. He has made contributions to the synthesis, discovery, characterization and understanding of fundamental physical properties of oxide nanobelts and nanowires. He and his graduate students have led research on and discovered the applications of nanowires in energy sciences, electronics, optoelectronics and biological sciences.
“The goal of nanotechnology is to make the devices smaller, better, and smarter,” says Wang. His research involves finding ways to power these extremely small devices by taking the mechanical energy from the environment and converting it to electricity within the device.
Wang is also the director of the Center for Nanostructure Characterization at Georgia Tech. This center provides trained staff with the electron microsopy tools to illuminate and create a larger image of a specimen. These tools are useful for researchers in the nanoscience and nanotechnology field.