Nine engineering faculty members have been chosen to receive the Class of 1940 Course Survey Teaching Effectiveness Award by the Georgia Tech Center for the Enhancement of Teaching and Learning (CETL). They are:
- Sigrun Andradottir, Industrial & Systems Engineering
- Muhannad Bakir, Electrical and Computer Engineering
- Susan Burns, Civil and Environmental Engineering
- John Cressler, Electrical and Computer Engineering
- David Goldsman, Industrial & Systems Engineering
- Jennifer Michaels, Electrical and Computer Engineering
- Julian Rimolli, Aerospace Engineering
- Tristan Utschig, Mechanical Engineering
- Shannon Yee, Mechanical Engineering.
The Class of 1940 distinction is one of several awards made annually by CETL to instructors of small and large classes. It is based on the Course Instructor Opinion Surveys (CIOS) that were administered in the Fall 2013 and Spring 2014 semesters. A high response rate (85% or greater) and a near-perfect evaluation score are required for consideration. A maximum of 40 awards are made to Georgia Tech faculty annually. Announcement of the award was made this week but will be formally celebrated in March when CETL holds its annual Celebrating Teaching Day.