U.S. News Undergraduate Programs Just Released

Georgia Tech has Two #1 Ranked Programs

Georgia Tech's undergraduate engineering program is tied for No. 4 in the country by U.S. News & World Report, continuing the placement of the College of Engineering among the elite stature in American engineering education.

The rankings, released Tuesday, also revealed that two of the College's eight schools were again listed as No. 1 among their disciplines. U.S. News, a media company best known for college rankings, publishes its review of undergraduate programs each September. 

“This is indeed a reflection of the strong and sustained efforts demonstrated by our engineering chairs, faculty, staff and students,” said Steven W. McLaughlin, incoming dean of engineering at Georgia Tech. ”We continue to strive to provide the best engineering education possible, and create an environment where today’s students are developed as tomorrow’s thinkers, leaders, and creators. While rankings do not tell the whole story regarding a campus or program, they do demonstrate the commitment that each of the individual Schools have toward our students and to excellence in education and research.”

Program scores are based on surveys of deans and faculty members at other universities. The U.S. News rankings can carry heavy influence among current undergraduates, professors, prospective students, peer institutions and the media.   

The overall College of Engineering (CoE) ranking –  marks the fifth time CoE has grabbed this spot on the U.S. News chart, and it again ties the College with the California Institute of Technology's engineering program.

The Stewart School of Industrial & Systems Engineering held on to its No. 1 ranking for the 23rd year in a row, while the Coulter Department of Biomedical Engineering earned its discipline’s top slot for the second time. A joint venture with Emory University, the Coulter Department was also first in last year’s review.

All engineering specialties, but one, at Georgia Tech placed in the top 5 of their kinds, a unique distinction for a program as large as CoE’s. The College also had three number two programs in the country - aerospace engineering, civil engineering, and environmental engineering.

U.S News Undergraduate Rankings - September 12, 2017

#4 Engineering (no change and still tied with Cal Tech)


Engineering Programs 

#1 Industrial/Manufacturing 

#1 Biomedical 

#2 Aerospace 

#2 Civil 

#2 Environmental (up from #4 and tied with Stanford and Michigan)

#3 Mechanical 

#3 Chemical (up from #4)

#4 Electrical 

#5 Materials (up from #6)

#6  Computer Engineering


